31 Mar 2014

Fussy Eaters

Fussy eating is very common in young kids. As parents we face the ongoing challenge of fussy eating, where our children may love a particular food one day and then flat refuse it the next - for no apparent reason! 

Here we provide some helpful tips on fussy eating.
By understanding a little about why young children can be fussy eaters, you can help to alleviate some of the stress around mealtimes and help to make eating fun. More ...

Tips on how to encourage good eating habit and how to make mealtimes that little bit easier! More ...

Don’t sweat the small stuff when it comes to fussy eating! Understand that there will be times when your child is simply not hungry and that healthy snacks are as essential for young children as meals. More ...

Check out these other kids food and feeding time articles too.

Image source: www.infantandtoddlerforum.org

1 comment:

  1. Good advice. The worst thing we can do as parents is give in and offer an unhealthy alternative. Hungry kids will eat. If they refuse lunch, well dinner is only as few hours away and they will surely have an appetite then.


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